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USES AND ABUSES OF SOCIAL MEDIA   balighar paragraph


Social media comprises primarily internet and mobile phone based tools for sharing and discussing information. It blends technology, telecommunications and social interaction and provides a platform to communicate through words, pictures, films, and music.


Social networking is an online service that enables its users to create virtual networking with likeminded people. It offers facilities such as chat, instant messaging, photo sharing, video sharing, updates etc. the most popular are Facebook and Linked In.

Many uses of social media like Blogs, Chatting, Video sharing, Photo sharing, News sharing etc. use id Blogs are descriptive content created and maintained by individual users and many contain text, photos and links to other website.


You Tube is the world`s latest video sharing site.


Many abuses of social media like pornography material, viruses, and Cyber Bulling.  Social networking site is an exciting technological advancement that is becoming very common now a day because it is one of the fastest ways of getting information. People of different status and age-groups use the net if various ways. It is used commonly for business information exchange, education and communication. We have to decide how to make it a non-abuse place for our society.


It is clearly evident that social media in a very powerful means of exercising one`s freedom of speech and expression. Where on the one hand, the misuse of social media entails the need for legal censorship, on the other hand there are legitimate fears of violation of civil rights of people as an inevitable consequence of censorship.


Thanks all ..balighar paragraph

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